A Trip to the Guelph Organic Conference Trade Show
The 2008 Guelph Organic Conference was held at the University of Guelph from January 24th to January 27th. This was their 27th annual conference, and as usual, there was a trade show on the weekend which was open to the public. Since it wasn't too far away, we decided to go.
We arrived bright and early on Saturday at 8:00 am. The last few stragglers were still setting up their booths, but the place was already bustling.
I was impressed by the number of suppliers of organic vegetable, herb and flower seeds that were there, and by what a large selection they all had.
Organic Meadow had a booth. This is the organic milk brand that is most readily available around here, and I buy their products fairly regularly. They have a good, large basic range of milks, yogurt, butter and cheese. They are a good-sized farmers' co-operative.
Harmony Organic Dairy, their main competitor was right across the aisle. They are notable for the fact that you can get their milk in glass bottles, and they also produce quite a range of flavoured milks. I had a little of their chocolate milk, which was delicious. Full fat and not too sweet, mmm, mmm, mmm.
Pfenning's are a big name in organic produce locally. They have been around for a long time. In addition to growing a wide range of vegetables, especially winter storage vegetables, they retail imported organic produce and have a box delivery service. I stocked up on leeks and turnips. I eyed their red sauerkraut with considerable interest, but since I already have a jar of regular sauerkraut I need to use, I restrained myself.
Canadian Organic Growers have been promoters of, well, Canadians growing stuff organically since way back when.
This was a booth with products I had not seen before, and they look very interesting. Pleno Empanadas is a company producing a line of empanadas (little Latin American filled pies) with a variety of flavours, as well as selling ready-made pastry. What is particularly interesting is that they have developed a pastry with low/healthy fats.
More seeds!
Mapleton's Organic Ice Cream. That's a place that's not too far away... must get out there when the weather warms up.
L'AncĂȘtre cheese, made in Quebec with raw milk. Fabulous, fabulous stuff. It's a sad truth that there are no great Ontario cheeses. It galls me to admit it, but until Ontario cheesemakers are allowed to make raw milk cheese, they are relegated to the ranks of the rather good at best.
Homefield is a Guelph company which delivers door-to-door in the region. Their list of available products changes (slightly, I expect) weekly and can be accessed and ordered on-line.
I have not seen Tradition Miso before, but I was quite excited to see it. I have often wondered why soy sauces and misos have not been produced in Ontario on an artisanal level, when we have so many soy bean growers.
Live Green Food Ontario had very cute little sprout growing kits, as well as seeds for sprouting. Can't get more local than your windowsill!
Saugeen Specialty Grains, also known as GrassRoots Organics was a name I did recognize. I discovered their products this summer at the Meaford Farmers Market. They're the ones that are producing puffed grain cereals, as well as rolled oats, flours, barley and popcorn.
There were quite a few other booths, some of which didn't interest me that much (farm equipment, big ag, or stuff from too far way, etc) and some of which did interest me but which I was not sufficiently together to record. From opening time at 8:00 am to the time we left - and well beyond, I'm sure - the place was jam-packed. It was a very worthwhile way to spend a Saturday morning, and it was exciting to see how much is happening in local organic circles.
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