Don't Have a Cow, Man!

Maybe Bart Simpson was right. This weekend filler video is a lecture by renowned foodie Mark Bittman. It has to do with a subject I've only recently learned about, the negative impact of our modern industrial food production system. Did you know cow's don't like to eat corn?

Now, I want to be very clear on a few things. I love meat and have no intention of becoming a vegetarian. The speaker also shares this attitude, as you'll hear. I also don't like people telling me what's good for me...even when they're right. But, I think we all should be informed about where our food comes from, and if after getting informed you decide to eat a few less burgers, and a few more salads, all the better.

I hesitated to post this before all the barbecues this weekend, but then I realized that it was actually the perfect time to see this video. A big bbq'd steak is perfect for a weekend, holiday or special occasion meal, it's the rest of the week when we should think about maybe changing our habits.


There are a lot of similarities between this lecture, and last week's talk by Michael Pollan. I have a feeling that when Mr. Bittman said he has become involved in this issue recently, that he did so after reading the Omnivore's Dilemma.

Disturbing photo (c) Flickr user schizophonia

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