Paraguayan Gellete or Kokitos

I thought that after Judy's post about Yerba Mate, I would post a common snack that is served along with the Paraguay Tea. These are little hard crunchy balls of bread dough, either made into bread sticks or little balls. Paraguay is a very hot country and these were baked to preserve the bread longer when no way better way of storing the bread that was available, years ago. They are very time consuming and they get eaten up like popcorn, so I very rarely make them.

  • 3 cups of warm water
  • 1 pkg instant yeast
  • 2 t. salt
  • 2 t. anise seed
  • 1 cup oil
  • 8 cups of flour (approx)
  1. Combine all ingredients together and knead the dough together well...adding enough flour to make a firm dough.
  2. Let rise about 1/2 hour.
  3. Take little pieces of dough and roll into a pencil strip.
  4. Cut into pieces, according to desired length.
  5. Bake @ 300, for 40 minutes. 
  6. After all the pans have been baked. Put them all into a roaster and back into the oven and bake again for another 30 minutes shaking them in between to have an even bake. It may take a little longer if the balls are larger ones and soft. The end result should be very hard and crunchy balls.

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