Orange Fool Pudding

This is a "hmmmm" dessert. I loved the orange flavor and the bit of spice that enhanced the flavor.  This was easy enough to do, the ingredients are simple enough.  So what's the issue?  Texture.  This is a very soft pudding, with consistency similar to  melted ice cream, not thick the way one imagines a pudding to be.  It doesn't put me off, but others may not feel quite so inclined. This is a terrific dessert if you want something that can be made hours ahead of time as it needs to be cold when served.

Orange Fool Pudding

Juice of 3 large oranges
2 tablespoons orange rind (I used dried orange rind)
3 eggs, well beaten
2 cups cream
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
2/3 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon butter

Combine all the ingredients in a heavy saucepan  or double boiler.  Cook very slowly until mixture thickens slightly, about 25 minutes.  Do not allow the pudding to boil or it could curdle. 

Pour the cooked pudding into individual dishes or wine glasses.  Chill thoroughly; serve cold.

My notes:  I felt that the pudding had not really thickened at the end of 25 minutes so I cooked it an additional 10 minutes (I was using a makeshift double boiler and turned up the heat a bit as well). 

It takes several hours to chill thoroughly which does help it to thicken a wee bit, but as I said, this is a very soft custard.

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