Cocoa Correction

A Lighter Shade Of Dark

Last week I wrote about a wonderful source for bulk herbs and spices called AmeriHerb. I mentioned that they sell this amazing organic dark cocoa powder for $3.30 a pound. Well, they did. But now they don't. Last night I used up the last little bit of my "old" cocoa powder while making chocolate biscotti. And when I opened one of the bags I recently ordered, I was dumbfounded. The cocoa was a completely different color--and not in a good way. The old stuff was practically black. The new stuff looks like every other cocoa powder I've seen. Bummer.

I emailed AmeriHerb today and was informed that my old cocoa powder was part of "a previous lot. The origin was from Vietnam, and it is no longer available in this country. To get more would triple the price. The cocoa you received is certified organic. Yes, it is not as dark." And true to their word that they guarantee all their products, they added, "If you would would like for us to credit, advise."

Double bummer. This new cocoa looked and smelled fine and was still a great price especially considering it's organic, so I figured there was no reason for a refund. I did mention, however, that they might want to take the "dark" part out of the description since, well, it isn't anymore. And before I went and blindly recommended it to you, I baked another batch of biscotti with some of it this afternoon just to make sure it was good. Two thumbs up!

I apologize about the false advertising. I know some of you were really excited about this special cocoa. The only thing I can say that might make you feel better is that at least you never tasted it. I get to live with its vivid memory tattooed on my tastebuds forever. I also have to decide if I should give away last night's double batch of biscotti for holiday gifts as planned, or be extremely selfish and keep it all for myself. When it comes to chocolate, sometimes I am not the kindhearted and generous person you might take me to be. And when it comes to special Vietnamese cocoa powder I will probably never ever taste again, well. . . as fellow foodies I'm sure you understand.

And while my plan is to share my biscotti recipe in the next day or two, I'm not going to actually come out and say that here. I think the recipes I have promised and not yet posted (but have every intention of doing) is starting to pile up. If I don't watch out, you'll probably start referring to me as Fibbing Farmgirl or The Girl Who Cried Recipe. Gosh, maybe you already do. I hope not. Hmmm. I bet a biscotti or two would keep me from starting to worry.

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