Daily Farm Photo 11/29/06: Goodbye to Lindy the Chicken

Off To That Great Henhouse In The Sky
Lindy The Chicken did not come by her name until last year during my Name That Sheep Contest. As I've stated before, I was not her voice in the comments section over the past year. But the person who was that voice imbued her with such a wonderful personality. She was smart, funny, and full of wit, and I always looked forward to reading what she had to say. For many months I have been meaning to write down a story or two about Lindy and Whitey, and one of these days I will. And if I ever do end up creating that line of farm animal stuffed toys (with accompanying storybooks), you can be sure that Lindy The Chicken will be included as one of the gang.
Whitey seems confused and a little sad. The hens are usually all silent once it gets dark outside, as they are settled on their perches and ready for sleep. But that first night alone I heard Whitey making soft, nervous little noises to herself. Whitey & Lindy always perched right next to each other. During the day I see her constantly peering about, and I do believe she is looking for her friend.
Farewell, my fine feathered friend. You are missed.
A year of Daily Photos ago:
Autumn Artwork
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