Dan is seen here enjoying an alfalfa pellet treat. For months he was forced to share his breakfast, but then it finally occurred to me that if I simply raised the level of his food, the little Cary thief (who eats much faster than Dan does) wouldn't be able to steal it--which is why Dan is standing at this makeshift table. But the other day, in a woolly blur of flying alfalfa pellets and startled looks, I realized that the little thief is now tall enough to reach Dan's elevated treats. Unfortunately I think we are already at maximum Dinky Donkey Doodle Dandy eating height.
For those of you who are wondering about that ratty blue halter (which has now reached a new level of rattiness), read this. And for those of you who are wondering why he is still sporting that pathetic thing--well, I haven't gotten up the guts yet to take it off. And now it's time for another pedicure from the farrier, so I figure I'll leave it on until his visit. And then I'll take it off. Definitely.
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