Daily Farm Photo: 12/6/06

Cary Is Seven Months Old Today!

A Look Back: The Nanny Bear & Cary, Age 11 Days

This is one of my very favorite photos, but it somehow escaped being posted until today. I was clicking through dozens of cute Cary baby pictures last week and ended up with tears running down my face. They do grow up so fast!

Don't know who Cary is? Click
here to read her story. You'll find more monthly Cary milestones in the sidebar under Previous Posts: Farm Stuff. For lots more photos of my garden, plus growing tips, recipes, book reviews, click here to visit my garden blog, InMyKitchenGarden.com. And click here to find out why it's definitely not just for gardeners.

A year of Daily Photos ago:
Staying Power
And out of the kitchen:
Use It Or Lose It Lentil & Escarole Soup

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