Farm Photo 3/22/07: Treat Time

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Lamb Report:
Current lamb count: Holding steady at 18. Thank goodness, as none of the current five guests at The Bonding Suite Inn are ready to check out just yet. Although hungry Bloomie did jump out this morning. Apparently she doesn't like the fact that I keep serving breakfast and dinner to the other girls first, so today she simply leaped over the fence panel in front of her pen and made a mad dash at the feed bucket. As my eyes were shrinking back to their normal size, I wondered for a split second if she'd hop back over the fence when I filled up her dish. She didn't.

Current number of adult sheep not staying at The Bonding Suite Inn who think they should also be getting treats twice a day instead of just once: 48 (that would be all of them).

A year of Farm Photos ago:
Fresh Frozen Chives
3/21/06: You Don't Mind One More, Do You?

And out of the kitchen garden came: A Bouncing Baby Blog! (Which I have been sadly neglecting but hope to get back to tending soon--there's so much going on in the garden right now. Or, I should say, there's so much I should be doing in the garden right now.)

There was also a lot of squawking in the henhouse a year ago. Perfect timing for a re-visit to this post, too, as this morning I was shocked to discover that everybody's favorite chicken, Whitey, has once again gone back to laying her distinctive little white eggs. She's seven years old and showing no signs of slowing down (or losing the attitude).

As for my plan to order a new batch of spring chicks--it's been put on hold until after the lambs stop arriving. I don't think I can handle two batches of babies at once--though chicks don't require nearly as much cuddle time as lambs do.


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