Growing Mint Inside During the Winter
Mint likes a lot of water - in nature, it will grow right up to the edge or even into the shallows of small streams or ponds. So I just water it whenever I pass by and think of it. On the other hand it's pretty tough stuff - My sweetie was doing some painting, and for a month in the late fall my living room was so full of scaffolding, drop cloths, paint cans, etcetera, that I could not get anywhere near my plant stand without a considerable amount of acrobatics. I think it got watered once during this period. It wasn't happy, but it survived. I'm also going to give it a little fertilizer soon, which is something that is a good idea with any plant that produces a lot of leaf growth, especially if you are nipping some of it off on a regular basis.
My plant stand has fluorescent plant lights, and this has also contributed to the health of the mint. Even with a south-facing window, some extra light is a good thing during the darkest days of the winter.
Now that I have successfully managed to grow mint, I'm looking forward to trying some other herbs again.
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