How to Make Crepes - Even the Messed-Up Ones Will Be Perfect!

With a blog name like Food Wishes, and a closing video credit that asks, "what is your food wish?" - I do get lots of requests for video recipes. Probably the most common request that I hadn't done yet was for a "how to make crepes" video. Well, today is the day.

I've never understood the fear and mystery that surrounds t
his thin round of ground flour, milk, and egg. It's one of the first things you make in culinary school (that works), and probably the first French recipe one commits to memory. It does take a few practice crepes to get a feel for the pan and heat, but once you have a couple successfully finished, you are set for life.

By the way, forget those scenes in movies, and TV, where the "chef" is flipping them in the air to turn them. This is all for show. Just use a spatula and turn them over - sort of like a toasted cheese sandwich. Also, stop being a perfectionist in the kitchen; you'll have more fun. I know you; if you try these you want them to be perfectly round, perfectly thin, and perfectly colored. Relax, Martha.


Perfect rarely happens in the kitchen - before the food is plated, at least. The most imperfectly shaped crepe once folded up with jam, fried in butter, and eaten with ice cream, is always perfect. As I say in the video, this is just the first step. I will do another demo on what to do with these perfect crepes soon. Stay tuned, and enjoy!

1 cup flour
2 eggs
1 1/4 cup milk
2 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp salt

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