Putting your small fruit plants on hold

My small fruit plants arrived at home before I could plant. Here's what I did to "store them". In all cases, keep the plants cool and out of direct sunlight and keep the roots moist:
  • I opened the box they arrived in and surrounded the roots with moistened shredded newspaper. I've also used potting soil.

  • I "planted'' some of them in a 5-gallon plastic bucket with drainage holes in the bottom and covered the roots with potting soil.
  • I made a 6-in. deep trench in a shady spot in a garden bed for my blueberry and purple raspberry plants. I laid the plants perpendicular to the trench with the roots in the trench. Then I covered the roots with soil.

In all cases, I kept the plants out of direct sunlight and kept the roots moist. The plants leafed out while on hold and that was ok. After planting them in their permanent location I cut the raspberry and blackberry plants to within 2-3 inches of the soil and I cut back the blueberry plants by 50%.

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