What I'm Harvesting In My Kitchen Garden-Mid April

Dear Friends,

It's mid-April and we are all spending a lot of time planting in our gardens. Most of our harvest is many months away. It can be "slim-pickin's" for home harvesting this time of year. A few of my overwintered greens are still viable, as are the perennial crops just coming back, and some quick maturing stuff I planted last month. Here's what I harvested this week:

chives, oregano, cilantro, parsley
french sorrel
french breakfast radishes
italian kale
green wave mustard greens
edible flowers-violets, blue borage & chive blossoms

The good news is that seasonal Farmer's Markets are starting up again. Check out this link to find out what's happening in the Portland area: www.oregonfarmersmarkets.org

Also, check out this post from my archives with all kinds of great resources for seasonal eating:

In Health,
Miss Jolie Ann

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