Changing of the guard at the Governor's Mansion

No, I'm not talking about the troopers on the security detail. I'm referring to the vegetable garden.


There was no fanfare but this past Saturday, volunteers removed the greens that stood strong all summer. Most had bolted and were given a proper burial in the compost. Thanks to donations by Bonnie Plants in Kennedyville, they were replaced with collards, swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower, green cabbage and Chinese cabbage.

The cucumbers were waning but refused to give up their ground. In honor of their service, they were allowed to live out the remainder of their time on the decorative trellises. Peas were planted at their feet and will gradually replace their elders.

The carrots and turnips that were planted as seeds in April are finally showing signs of maturing. The herbs have claimed a place of honor at the main walkway and are thriving with the attention and harvesting of the chefs.

The containers by the fountain are sculptural beauties in their own rite. The herbs and ornamental sweet potato vine have filled the pots nicely and are a fine compliment to the tomatoes and eggplant.They stood at attention and gave their respects to those who were retiring and welcomed the new recruits.

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