Let's Go Shopping In The Backyard

As someone whose food used to come in boxes and bags, or more often than not, get handed to her through a window, I can't begin to tell you how exciting it is to step out back each morning and see what goodies have sprung to life in the garden.

I've enjoyed this quick, easy and delicious raw vegan recipe for Stuffed Peppers a couple of times already.

And just last night, I made one of my new all-time favorites that I discovered at Choosing Raw: Thai Peanut Noodles, made with my own zukes and cukes. Mmm, lip-smacking good!


The cherry toms usually don't make it in the house. I just pop 'em in my mouth, right off the vine. No chemical pesticides and fungicides here.

Hello? Do I hear some homemade fermented sweet kraut calling my name? You betcha.

Anyone else been grocery shopping in their own backyard this summer?

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