New Blogroll

You may have - or, I dunno, you may not have - noticed that I have completely overhauled my blog roll. Check it out, it's down there somewhere on the right hand side, under the index and archives. I've only been meaning to do this for the better part of a year.

Originally I was mostly trying to list other local bloggers, who do seasonally based cooking without an excessive quantity of sweets, and this is still an object. I've divided the blogger lists into two; those who are actually more-or-less local (I've included Ontario, and somewhat arbitrarily, Quebec bloggers in this list) and people who are following the local food spirit, but are doing it somewhere else. Some of those places will actually coincide very reasonably with Ontario seasons, some of them won't, but they're all blogs I really enjoy reading and hope you will find interesting too.

I decided not to try linking to food producers and farmers directly any more. That could have gotten crazy, if I had followed my original intention of adding sites as I found them. Instead, I am linking to other sites that work on collecting and disseminating information on finding farmers, producers and vendors.

In particular I would like to draw your attention to Local Ontario Food, which is a project Mr. Ferdzy has been working on for a while, in conjunction with the Peace and Social Action Committee of Kitchener Area Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. (The local Quakers, in other words.) The idea is that other people - you, for instance - can add local farmers, producers, and vendors using the handy-dandy form he has devised for that purpose. Please check it out, he would love to get some contributors and some feed-back. This is also very newly launched, so if you find problems or have suggestions, pass them on to him.

I've always tried to be a bit political with this blog, and have not succeeded nearly as much as I would like. Unfortunately, tracking down and analyzing what's happening in Ontario and world food politics is a lot more work than just shopping, cooking, eating, and writing about it, since the only part I don't actually have to do is the writing about it. I'm hoping I'll do better, and I've made an explicitly political set of links to help encourage me.

And finally, I think it's important to consider the health and nutrition aspects of food, and have put in a couple of links that do that.

I hope you'll check out and enjoy these new links

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