Potato & Green Onion Won-Tons

You won't get these in a Chinese restaurants because I invented them. They taste vaguely Chinese-ish, and they're vegetarian.They are very cheap to make (providing the maker is not getting paid, because they are definitely labour-intensive) and they can be made in advance, which is what I plan to do for the birthday/anniversary party this month. I'm experimenting; I'm happy with the filling but I need to figure out the best way to cook them as an appetizer. I cooked them like pot-stickers here, and we enjoyed them but I would like them crunchier for appetizers. Maybe brushing them with oil then baking them will work. I'll update the recipe once I have a plan. You could also serve them simmered in chicken or miso soup for about 10 minutes.

Yes, I'm using purchased won-ton wrappers here. Life is too short, etc.

Note: the plan to bake them really didn't work. They were hard and crunchy, rather than nicely crunchy. Edible, but just not great. Oh well. Cook 'em in a pan as described, or soup 'em.

60 or more wontons
1 hour prep time, not including baking the potatoes

Potato and Green Onion Won Tons
4 cups chopped cooled baked potatoes ( 3 large)

2 to 3 tablespoons finely minced fresh ginger
4 green onions, finely chopped
2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
1 teaspoon salt

1 package won-ton wrappers (about 75?)

Have your cooled baked potatoes ready, and chop the flesh of them finely. It's up to you whether to include the skins or not. I assumed not, but when I looked at the mixture, I thought it could use a bit more texture and put in half of them.

Add the finely (finely!) minced ginger, the chopped green onions, the sesame oil and the salt, and mix well.

Have a little bowl of cold water standing by, also a plate or tray for the finished won-tons. You may wish to have a little plate for the won-ton in progress, as well. Put a teaspoon or less of the filling in the centre of a won-ton wrapper. Do not over fill them. Dip a finger in the water, and brush the water along two sides of the square wrapper. Fold it in half, over the filling, forming a triangular shape. Pinch sealed along the edges - the water will make them stick. Dampen the three corners of the triangle slightly, and fold the two opposite corners inwards and up, towards the top corner. Pinch sealed, and place the won-ton thus formed on your plate or tray. Continue until you have finished filling all the won-ton wrappers, run out of filling, have enough, or are about to have an attack of screaming insano-boredom, whichever comes first.

At this point the finished won-tons can be covered with a very slightly damp tea-towel, and cooked somewhat later, but within the hour is best. As noted, you can add them to soup and simmer for about 10 minutes before serving.

To cook as pot-stickers, put enough oil to cover the bottom of a large skillet into said skillet, and cover the bottom.* This should be a tablespoonful or two. Heat over medium-high heat, and quickly add won-tons to fill the pan. When they have browned nicely on the bottom, which should take about a minute or two, flip them over and carefully pour in about half a cup of water all around them. Reduce the heat to medium-low heat, and continue cooking for about 6 to 8 minutes, until the water has evaporated and they are beginning to sizzle in the oil again.

Lift them out carefully, and serve at once, with the following sauce, if liked.

1 teaspoon soya sauce
2 teaspoons rice vinegar

Mix in a little bowl, and use to dip the won-tons. Make a little bowl of sauce for each diner.

Last year at this time I made Broccoli with Miso-Mustard Dressing.

*I'm typing this at 1:00 a.m. Does it show much?

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