Time Sensitive Offer: Hurom Slow Juicer

Just a quickie. I had to show you what Santa done bring me.

A Hurom Slow Juicer! Shiny shiny. Pretty pretty. And, an oxymoron if ever I heard one. Trust me, there's nothing slow about this baby!

You've heard me extol the virtues of juicing before — here, here, and here — for starters. And you know how much I loooooove my Breville. But, friends, this lil' guy has rawked my world. I've been juicing up a storm since Christmas Day.

The lovely Kristen Suzanne recently did a comparison video(s) of the Green Star vs Breville vs Hurom, which I'd highly recommend watching. Kristen's a joy and she'll give you the lowdown — pros and cons — on all three popular brands. Spoiler alert: the Hurom wins as her pick, hands down.

I had to laugh today when I saw this tweet from rawfoodbliss on Twitter:
You Know You're a Raw Foodist When…your blender costs more than your car (and has a better warranty). 
To be honest, the Hurom Juicer is a substantial investment. But hey, think of it as health insurance. It also comes with a 10-year warranty. Has your insurance provider ever given you one of those?

Okay, so I didn't just want to show you what was under my Christmas tree. I also wanted to let you know about an unbelievable offer from the folks (aka Mr. & Mrs. Matt Monarch) at The Raw Food World.

There's only 48 hours left to take advantage of this amazing 17.5% OFF Holiday Coupon Code, as it expires at Midnight (PST), December 31st. 

It's good on any size order at The Raw Food World, simply by entering the coupon code HOLIDAY18, so go ahead and stock up on your favorite raw goodies...chia seeds, hemp oil, cacao nibs, almond butter, kelp noodles, etc.

The coupon code EXCLUDES all electrical appliances...EXCEPT...you guessed it, the Hurom Juicer!

By the way, the Monarch's also did a comparison video of the Hurom vs the Greenstar. Can you guess which was their favorite?

I hope you enjoy making use of this amazing offer — and also become the happy owner of a Hurom Slow Juicer in the new year!

Here's to your health. Cheers!

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