This Week's Installment of The Art of Bargain Shopping & Eating Healthy!

Hi friends!

I hope you are doing well as you are reading this. I am wishing you much health & happiness. Last week I began posting about the art of bargain shopping and healthy eating. I have decided to continue this post as a weekly feature. I feel like my real life example demonstrates that even on a tight tight budget you can eat healthy delicious seasonal food. This week I spent a total of $43.52 at WincCo Foods, which is slightly more than the week before. But, several of these items will last me for 2 weeks and several more meals. For my $43.52 I got:

1 bunch mustard greens
1 bunch cilantro
1lb bag baby carrots
1 turnip
1 head of garlic
2 bunches of celery
7 apples
3lb bag of tangerines
2 onions
1 bunch of bananas
7 kiwi
1 bag frozen peaches
1 bag frozen blackberries
1 bag frozen blueberries
2 boxes of unsweetened soymilk
Orange Juice
Corn Tortillas
Queso Fresca (Mexican Cheese)
1 can of diced tomatoes
1.20lbs black eyed peas (about 3 cups)
2.35lbs steel cut oats (about 4 cups)
.62lbs cashews (about 2 cups)
.23lbs of raw almonds (about 2 cups)
.5lbs dry hummus dip mix
.13lbs dried basil (about 1 cup)
.31lbls dried unsweetened shredded coconut (about 2 cups)
.54lbs dried apricots (about 2 cups)
.80lbs yogurt covered raisins (my treat for the week!)
10 green tea bags

The meals I made from these items:

Fruit Smoothies
Steel Cut Oatmeal with fruit & nuts
Creole Spiced Black Eyed Peas with Root Vegetables & Mustard Greens
Gluten Free Buttermilk Cornbread
Tortilla Soup with Queso Fresca
Hummus with Carrots & Celery Sticks
Snacks: Apples, Tangerines, Dried Apricots & Yogurt Covered Raisins

So readers I made healthy homemade meals from seasonal whole foods that lasted me for one week on just $43.52. You can do it too! Please share your stories of budget shopping & healthy eating because I'd love to hear them.

In Health,
Miss Jolie Ann

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