Bread for the Journey

"Just taste it!"
"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"
Psa 34:8
Those of us who are mothers all have memories
of coaxing our children to try a new food.
"Just taste it," we beg, "Its GOOD!"
My husband complains when I make a new recipe,
"Why don't you make the good ones I like?"
he whines, before he even tastes.
My reply stops him cold....
"All those recipes you love? They were all new recipes
the first time you tasted them!"
True, isn't it ? if we don't 'taste' , if we don't try,
we will never know how good something is.
Did you ever stop to think of how we got the word 'good'?
It is simply 'God' stretched out.
Isn't that what God does?
Stretch out His hand continually,
offering us good things?
The blessings of every day.
Every time we exclaim "GOOD!".. it comes from the hand of God.
The ultimate stretching out was God's Son on the cross,
to show us how much
He loves us.
Isn't this a perfect time of year to remember...
God stretched out is indeed GOOD !
With what heart-felt gratitude we reach back to Him
remembering the pain our 'good' cost Him!
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