"Killer" Bees....

On Wednesday my littlest son and I had just finished studying pollinators in our Botany course and we mentioned this to the woman who does my husbands data capturing. She works mornings only from our office at home and is often informed by our children about what they are learning.

She mentioned that she had a beekeeper coming that afternoon to remove a hive of bees from her property. Naturally this was a learning opportunity we could not pass up and went to watch the process.

A swarm of Africanized Honey Bees (Killer Bees) had made their hive in the watermains outside her home. Obviously they had a second queen hatch and thus swarmed to another place - this being her tree next to the pool. This happened on Sunday and they were just hanging in a tear drop from the tree. The bee keeper simply shook the bees into an empty plastic bowl and set the bowl down in front of an empty hive. It was within seconds that the bees started crawling into the opening to make a new home.

Then we went outside onto the pavement where the main hive was. The bees were going in and out doing their business and when the lid was lifted there was the most awesome sight...

This hive must be about 1 yr old and had some very developed combs. He showed us the queen cells, the drones and how to fit the combs onto a frame for a second hive. The combs that didn't fit into this hive he placed on frames and added to the inside new hive. This, he says, was important as being the beginning of Winter here in the South there is very little nectar about to get a new hive started.

The one comb was brand new and no bigger than a side plate...and as you can see would not last long with my brood, but everyone got a chance to get a good mouthful or two of fresh fresh fresh honey with comb.

This is one of those experiences where you just stand their in awe of the Creator who set things into motion all those years ago and how His creations just speak of Him.

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