Celeriac, Endive & Potato Salad

I had one last small celeriac left in the fridge from a bunch of them that I bought on sale this winter, and when I saw this recipe, if recipe is quite the right word, I thought I would give it a try. Without the tongue, more because I didn't have any and because this was meant as a side salad than because I wouldn't like it; I would. Anyway, the result is rather pretty in a pale and interesting way, and the potato and celeriac mellow the endive nicely. If you wanted something more like the original and couldn't get or couldn't face tongue, a bit of chopped ham would undoubtedly be good with it. Or bacon, but that kind of goes without saying. Mind you there was absolutely nothing wrong with it the way it was.

6 to 8 servings
30 minutes prep time

Celeriac Endive and Potato Salad
Make the Dressing:
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
3 tablespoons sunflower seed oil
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
generous quantities of freshly ground black pepper

Put in a jar and shake.

Make the Salad:
2 medium-large potatoes
2 medium-small heads of Belgian endive
2 cups finely diced peeled celeriac

Scrub the potatoes, and cut them into dice. Put them in a pot with water to cover and boil them until just tender. Drain and rinse them in cold water to stop them cooking any further. Drain well.

Cut the endive into thin slices crosswise, discarding the base and any hard core pieces. Peel and dice the celeriac.

Mix the cold potatoes, endive and celeriac and toss with the dressing.

Last year at this time I made Seedy Red Fife Crackers to go with Monforte Cheese.

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