
... last year at this time it was cold as hell and we had a foot of snow (and would for some weeks yet). People were skiing. I was seriously annoyed with the weather because I wanted to get into the garden.

This year at this time, I am also seriously annoyed with the weather. Apparently, it is too much to ask to have an actual spring season in this country. And presumably there are some mild temperatures as we pass from -20° to +30°, but don't blink or you will miss them. THIRTY-TWO degrees Celsius according to the back deck thermometer for the second day in a row, and YES that is in the shade. That would be 90° old style. Crap-ola, that is hot for the 3rd of April. I can barely stand to be outside. I can practically see the buds swelling before my eyes (and the crocuses keeling over and dying). Yikes.


p.s. Did I mention we need rain? We need rain, like, desperately. RAIN ALREADY!!!

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