Welcome to the garden!

As you probably know, I blog about the Montgomery County Demonstration Garden in Derwood. And this is the post I need to remember to make regularly, the one that says "Come visit us!"

The garden's nice when it's empty like this, but we like it better with people in it. We have a lot to show you this year: not only a huge display of vegetables, but also a lovely shade garden, a native/wildlife areas, lots of herbs and fragrant plants, a charming children's garden, a home for butterflies, and more. So please make our garden at the Agricultural History Farm Park a destination. You can visit us several ways:

1. Come any time the park is open (which is just about any time except at night) and you will find our garden unlocked and ready to explore. Directions are at the above link and at the Montgomery County MG contact page. (We're at the top of the hill behind the Extension building.) Please leave everything as you found it - keep the gate closed against deer, and don't pick things (okay, you can have a cherry tomato when they're ready. Don't tell anyone I said that).

2. If you are able to, come on Thursday mornings, when the demo garden team is there working. We'll be happy to show you around.

3. We just had our first garden tour of the season and we want to have many more. If you have a group that would like to schedule a tour, with plenty of time for questions and exploration, call the MG office at 301-590-2836. Or comment on this post with your email address.

Here are some photos of what's going on in the garden right now.

Barbara planted her sweet potatoes! We'll add a hardware cloth fence in the oval trench, to keep the voles out.

And we have a new mason bee house, thanks to Margaret.

Here's our Swiss chard bed planted in curves with different colors in each row:

We start harvesting in earnest this week, and some of our produce will go to Manna Food Center. Here's a lovely group of kale, misome and pak choi ready for dinner.

And if you like lettuce, radishes, arugula, beets, carrots and other vegetables that grow well without a full day's sun, check out our shade vegetable bed:

Also, remember the potato bed I showed you last month? This is how it looks now.

The trenches are now between the potato rows, since all that soil has been used to hill them up as they grow like crazy. We're watching carefully for signs of potato beetles and other pests, but all we saw today were lots of ladybugs. Good!

Come down the garden path and see us! We look forward to meeting you.

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