Happy Father's Day

As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Proverbs 27:19

Each of us ladies at MGCC were raised by father's who loved Jesus.
Their lives reflected the heart of God to us.

Six of our dads are still living, and we want you to know that you are loved.
Four dads have gone home to heaven, and are lovingly remembered today.

Several weeks ago I asked the other nine women here at MGCC to describe their dad's to me in several words. I want to share with you what they told me about their fathers....
beautiful reflections of their hearts.

  • faithful and committed to their wives and families
  • gentle soul
  • great sense of humor
  • story teller
  • wise business man
  • accepting
  • forgiving
  • hard working
  • encourager
  • fast driver
  • innovative-inventor-fixer
  • quiet
  • laughs till he cries
  • carpenter
  • generous
  • provider
  • fun
  • sentimental
  • makes wonderful borscht
  • strict
  • appreciative
  • never takes family for granted
  • enjoys spectator sports
  • love of church work
  • helper
This list testifies to 10 Godly men who aspired to emulate our Heavenly Father's heart and love for His family. Fathers that impacted our lives for Christ. Fathers that were good role models in their day to day lives. Men willing to learn new things, step up to a challenge, and could laugh and enjoy life with their families.

One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4
Today I also want to honour my dad.
Many of the things listed above speak of who my dad is.

As a little girl, he was my daddy,
loving, caring, nurturing and I felt safe.

As a teen, he was fun, sensitive, protective and guiding, and I felt loved.

As a young woman, he supported me in decisions, and I felt respected.

As a mom he encouraged me, and I felt blessed.

As a grandma I have a true friend in my dad. He is a constant in my life.
I can depend on him to pray for me and love me unconditionally.
Time and time again he has pointed me to our Heavenly Father,
the one who loves each of us unconditionally.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,that we should be called children of God.
1 John 3:1a

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