Bread for the Journey

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
 I will counsel you and watch over you.
Psalm 32:8 NIV

We are on a road trip...visiting the Colorado Rockies for the first time.  To get here we passed through five states...with many interesting stops along the way.  Until this road trip, I have always been the navigator.  Though I was never at the wheel...I was the one who determined which way the wheel turned.   The map would lie on my lap...or nearby...and the driver obediently turned the wheel when I said so.  It was actually a good system...without too many major problems...though there have been a few!  After thirty-nine years as the navigator...I have been replaced by a GPS.  It is our first major GPS road trip...and 'the voice of Jane' is our new guide.  Though I spent a lot of time checking up on her at the start...I have now given up on the maps and let her do the leading. 

I had to think of how reluctant we often are to allow God to lead.  He has given us His own tools for navigating through life...God's Positioning System.  He gave us the Bible...words to guide us in our daily life.  He also gave us the Holy Spirit to teach and lead us.

How is your journey going?  God knows where you are...and the road that lies ahead.  He knows your past and your future.  Let God be your GPS for life ...and you will arrive at your final destination safely.

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