Our summer in pictures

image Flower girls



DSCN2735There’s just something about hanging clothes on the line.  Bend, lift, snap, bend, lift, snap…therapy on a string.

DSCN2768Wild Shasta daisies

DSCN2737  The beginning of the garden

DSCN2691 It’s berry time. These raspberries grow wild on our property.

DSCN2698 DSCN2700


DSCN2719 Pond fun

DSCN2722Tubing on the pond


DSCN2764 Cody

DSCN2772 Finley

DSCN2972 DSCN2959 Pretending to have fun

DSCN2973 Our working boys

DSCN2977 A girl and her horse

DSCN2992 Pretending I like this


The summer clan.

This is only a few of the wonderful exploits we had this summer. It would take you way too long to go through everything we did! Maybe I can make a slide show and post it.  That would be cool!

Farmhouse Chicks

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