I’m a Stylish Blogger…or so says Ellen!



Talented and Amazing Ellen over at Abounding Life gave this to me! I didn’t even know what an award was….total newbie here!  How absolutely cool!

Now I am to pass it along to some more stylish bloggers as well.  Rules to play along.. 

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

So, here we go….7 things you probably didn’t need to know about me:


1.) I am an avid reader especially how to books, biblical womanhood, entrepreneurship, junk collecting, decorating, health/nutrition related, and the list goes on and on.

2.) I am very random. I would love to think that I am really scheduled and on the ball with everything…and I think left to myself I would lean this way….but being married for 23 years to a VERY spontaneous man has turned my tide. I relish the ebb and flow in our daily life.

3.) I am a crafter wannabe…honestly....and will probably never reach the crafter extraordinaire!  My honey and Ellen take care of that market!

4.) I am addicted to my kids. REALLY.TRULY.ADDICTED…. I have 5 of the most amazing kids in the world. They make me smile EVERY.SINGLE.DAY

5.) I am absolutely madly in love with my man. We tease each other that we will make the best retired couple….walking on the beach, going to garage sales, and reading good books…if we ever get a break from the grandkids….

6.)  I secretly wish I could be Lizzy in Pride and Predjudice.  My husband says I was born in the wrong time period…I could really do with less technology and more down to earth, honest ta goodness, homemade life. Maybe that’s why I live in the country with a big garden and a tire swing.

7.) I love to love. I love people, places, sweet memories, long time friends, new found friends, and living passionately.


Wow! That was hard! I really wanted to tell you more…*sheepish grin*….guess you’ll hafta stop by and visit me to learn more about me.

Now, for the Passing of the Award. Can this be any more difficult….uuuggghhh! Each of you sew a seam into the fabric of my soul each time I read your blogs.  Can’t I just give an award to everyone? There goes my randomness coming out…rules, glorious rules……

Ok, Blog Roll please....

1.) My real life blogger girl…surrogate niece….can be found right here. She has a fresh perspective for a young mom of 4. I love her candidness about life in the fast lane with 4 in tow. She is a doula, a daughter of the King, and a phenomenal lady! Go check her out!

2.) Pretties and Posies is the place to be for all things white, shabby, and girlie.  I just love it here as I can get my fix of all the vintage white that I so desire in my home. Dreamy is all I can say…and dream is what I do when I visit Melanie’s blog.

3.) A very new blogger but long time friend, Christine over here is just waiting for others to discover her! Share the love with her and become one of her first followers!

4.)Are you looking to get the latest “how to” for you blog? This is the place to be! I am so new to blogging and Sarah’s blog has helped me put together a header in Picasa that I never thought was possible! I just love this place!

5.) I am absolutely addicted to Shannan’s blog…I dunno….it’s really becoming obsessive on my part…I actually think I'm blog stalking…is there such a thing? I just like to go here to get a fresh glimpse of real life in the here and now. Shannan is full of faith, laughter, raw insight, and has a mini-van full of cute kiddos ta boot!

6.) Life on the Ranch can be somewhat intimidating at times, but Antoinette knows how to see the beauty in everyday. She is another real life blogger friend that loves to dig in the dirt with me.  You can read all about her and her family’s exploits right here.

7.)Being a citygirl turned farmgirl…this blog really caught my eye.  I love all things french, farmy and shabby. Angela’s pictures are amazing and her light heartedness captures the essence that I love to live by.


Okay….I absolutely cannot follow the rules or I will NEVER get this thing out on the airways! Honestly…it takes me soooo long to blog….

So, in blog fashion and b/c I can….I declare that 7 is the perfect #. God says it is so it is!


Okay stylish bloggers….go to it!


Farmhouse Chicks

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