Cinnamon Loaf

I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again.  Sometimes, the simplest of recipes are simply the best, and here is proof in point.  This breakfast treat is made with everyday ingredients, is moist, tender, (it was the moist~tender qualities of this beautiful loaf that really won me over) and with a generous amount of sugar-cinnamon struesel.  It has to sit overnight before cutting, so is a perfect recipe for a tote-along for a breakfast treat or to have ready for guests the next morning.

Jannett, of Canadian Baker Too, shared this keeper recipe.  When Jannett says she's made this many times over the years, I can believe her, as I know I'll be making this many more times as well.  Thank you for sharing this Jannett; we loved this!

Janette says you can use any size loaf pan, and I grabbed my 11 inch x 7 inch baking dish.  I should have used a loaf pan, because I think it made a difference in the texture of the cake.  Jannett's loaf looks like it has a fine crumb, mine looks a little more rustic. I reduced the cooking time for my size pan to about 23 minutes. 

Cinnamon Loaf
(adapted from Canadian Baker Too)

For the loaf:
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups unbleached flour
pinch salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup soured milk (one teaspoon vinegar with enough added milk to equal 1 cup)

For the filling and topping:
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350*F.  Generously grease a loaf pan of your choice.

In measuring cup add milk and the vinegar. Let sit for about five minutes to give the milk an opportunity to sour.  Add vanilla. Set aside.

In small bowl combine brown sugar and cinnamon and mix. Set aside.

In your mixer add butter and sugar;  mix until light and creamy. Add one egg at a time and mix until combined.

Add your dry ingredients alternately with sour milk (beginning and ending with dry ingredients, divide~eyeball~ the dry ingredients into thirds, and add the milk by halves.)   Do not over mix this mixture.

Add half the batter to your loaf pan.  Sprinkle cinnamon mixture onto this batter.  Add remaining batter and sprinkle with the remaining cinnamon mixture.

Bake 1 hour or until tooth pick comes out clean.** Let cool in loaf pan for a least 1 hour.  Remove and place on cooling rack to cool completely.  It is best to cut this loaf the next day.
NOTE:  The one hour baking time is for a loaf pan.  I used an 11 inch x 7 inch baking dish and the baking time was reduced to about 23 minutes. 

Once again, Jannett, thank you so much for sharing this delicious recipe.  I am so pleased to be able to share this treasure this with my friends and family!

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