Squash is on the Menu! The Meal Plan 9/12-9/18

My family is going on a squash diet this week.

In addition to the acorn squash that I picked from my garden on Friday, my youngest sister arrived for a weekend visit with bags of squash from our middle sister's enormous Indiana garden. Since I need to use it up, the focus of our meals this week will be some of my favorite squash recipes. I have acorn, butternut, spaghetti, yellow crookneck, and still more zucchini.

I haven't made a concrete plan yet. It will be a busy week. I'm preparing for my daughter's 7th birthday party and some out-of-town company. So, instead of daily meals and a grocery list, this week I have provided the links to some of my family's favorite squash recipes.

For Acorn Squash, we prefer it halved and filled with sausage, brown sugar, and spices.

Spaghetti Squash eats much like pasta, hence the name. I like to top mine with a fresh tomato sauce.

The crookneck squash is similar to zucchini and can complete many main dishes. However, one of my favorite recipes, "Squashed Squash" is a side dish that allows the crookneck to shine on it's own.

Zucchini is so versatile that I haven't yet decided what I will prepare with it this week. In THIS POST, I featured a number of delicious zucchini recipes. I may re-visit one of them or try something new.

I don't have a link for a Butternut Squash recipe...yet. Stay tuned this week, because I will be posting my favorite Cream of Butternut Soup recipe in addition to a non-squash recipe for Cheesesteak Pizza.

So that's the meal plan for this week. Sort of. I'll try to be better next week and return to my usual daily meal/grocery list format. I intended to post a more specific plan tonight, but The History Channel sucked me in. I couldn't take my eyes away from the horror and sadness on the screen long enough to commit to a recipe.

I don't know about you, but after re-living the tragedy of September 11th, 2001 through the 10 Year Anniversary coverage this weekend, I'm ready for an uplifting Monday.

One of my friends posted this on her Facebook page tonight:

"What are we doing in our daily lives to remember 9/11? Taking life for granted? Or soaking in every precious moment, telling family and friends we love them, and setting our priorities straight? Let's make this day more than about remembering where we were then - let's take a good look at where we are now."

I thought that it was good "food for thought". I remember the intensity of my emotions following 9/11. I was focused on all of the things that my friend listed above. I wish that I could say I have continued to do those things consistently over the last 10 years. While I will certainly "never forget", that intensity has waned over the years. My friend's post and everything that I watched this evening have served as a much needed reminder.

God Bless America and each and every one of you! I hope that you all have a wonderful week.

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