Seed catalog: Territorial Seed Company

When I choose a seed catalog, I look for variety of choices and ease of use. Territorial Seed Company has both. They publish two catalogs a year, one for spring planting and one for fall planting. The vegetables are divided in a way that makes it easy for me to plan my garden. For example, cucumbers are divided into slicing varieties, pickling varieties, greenhouse varieties and novelty cucumbers. The tomatoes are listed in order of when they set fruit, from ultra early to main season. Prices are average with Brandywine tomatoes being $3.05 for a packet of 35-40 seeds.

Fairly unique to Territorial Seed Company is their 44-acre trial grounds and organic research farm, located in London Springs, Oregon. Each year Territorial's research staff grows and evaluates thousands of varieties. What's available in their catalogs have been grown at their trial grounds and have passed their stringent quality requirements. They offer seeds for over 1100 vegetable, herb, flower, cover crop, and sprouting varieties as well as plants and even grafted vegetable plants. Their seeds are not genetically modified or engineered.

Notes: (1) You can order a print catalog through most of the catalog websites
(or in some cases, download a PDF version). (2) Mention of specific products,
brands, or companies is not intended as an endorsement by the University of
Maryland. (3) I do not receive consideration of any kind for mentioning
products, brands, or companies in my postings. The seed catalogs I review are
those of sellers from which I have previously bought seeds.

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