For the Love of Strawberries

Wild strawberries can be found growing all over Europe, but the varieties that we grow in our gardens today were developed in France in about 1740. They are a wonderful addition to a home garden because they are so easy to grow and produce so well, but that is not taking into account the wonderful taste.

You haven't tasted a good strawberry until you have gone out to your strawberry patch and picked a sun warmed, ripe strawberry. Be careful to keep this a secret though, or you might attract all the neighbor kids to come raid the patch.


Begin planning for strawberries by selecting a good permanent spot in the garden, as they will be there for a while. They need a sunny spot with at least 8 hours of direct sunlight starting in early spring, in order to produce a maximum crop. They require a well-drained soil, so work in lots of organic matter before planting the strawberry starts, and clear all perennial weeds in the planting site, as they do not compete well with weeds.

For a complete guide on growing strawberries, visit our website.

Happy Gardening!

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