Leafy greens, new and overwintered

I dropped by the demo garden this morning and found last fall's radicchio growing with spring energy, not to mention considerable redness.  It was much greener in the fall (see below).

I planted pea and onion seedlings earlier this week.  They're doing well despite the hot weather.  While I was planting them, I was visited by a very nice cat who now lives in the Farm Park's barn and decided to stroll over (a long stroll!) and check out the garden.  I hope she'll visit again and keep down our chipmunk and rabbit population.  Rabbits love peas, and our fence still has a few holes to fix.

We had plants in a cold frame over the winter - I couldn't check on it often, but I never worried that I'd left it cracked open.  Now it's open all the way!  The arugula inside bolted, but the pak choi is doing fine; I harvested one on my previous visit and it was delicious.

In a couple of weeks we'll be planting our new leafy greens for what I hope will be a lengthy enough spring (though I'm having my doubts).  My seedlings will be going outside soon.  I'm enjoying watching them grow (yes, I know, odd tastes), especially seeing the true leaves come out.  All brassicas have similar seed leaves, but they become distinctive pretty early on.

Here's some Lacinato kale, with smooth bluish leaves quite different from the more lacy look of a kale like Red Russian.

Red Giant mustard already has the dark veining and coarse aspect that will distinguish it later.

A green pak choi in the foreground, and paler Champion collards in the back.

I do like showing off baby pictures!  Hope all your seedlings are growing well too.

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