Bio S.I. Lawn and Garden Formula

You have probably heard many times over that organic matter is great for your garden. So you add leaves and other organic matter, but it seems to take a long time to break down and be useful to your plants. Well a great way to help that organic matter to break down is to add a little bit of nitrogen fertilizer to help in that process.
Also recently I received a sample of Bio S.I. to try in my garden. It works in conjunction with fertilizer to help the organic matter to break down with an inoculant.

"Bio S.I. Technology’s Lawn & Garden Formula is an all-natural inoculant that uses beneficial microbes to restore soil to its natural health while increasing water and nutrient retention. Renewing soil to a productive condition gives lawns, flowers, fruits, and vegetables ideal growing conditions while requiring less fertilizer and less water. The Lawn & Garden Formula is available in quarts, gallons, 2½ gallons, 5-gallon pails, and larger orders upon request. For tastier fruits and vegetables, more colorful flowers, and greener, more uniform lawns, apply one quart of Bio S.I.’s Lawn & Garden Formula per every 5,000 square feet."

I thought a great place to try it out would be the strawberry patch because there is lots of natural dead leaves and organic matter that needs to break down. So I applied some to my strawberry patch to see how well it worked. Here are some before and after pictures there is about 2 weeks in between pictures.


As you can see in the pictures, there is a lot more dead leaves. It helped the leaves to look much healthier and it filled in quite a bit too. The pictures don't seem to do it justice, but I have noticed quite a bit of difference in the two weeks I let it take affect. I am excited to try it in the rest of my garden now. If you would like to try some on your garden or want more info visit the Bio S.I. Technology website.
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