Copper Muggers know how to do pancakes

Here in Lansing, Illinois, where I live, we have this service club called the Lansing Copper Muggers. The group is made up of about 40 guys who work to raise funds for other organizations, school, clubs, sports teams in town by making pancakes at pancake breakfast fundraisers.

We're now well into pancake season as many weekends in the fall and winter you'll find a pancake breakfast being held on a Saturday morning. Most are held at the T.F. South High School cafeteria simply because they have adequate space for such an event, but sometimes they are held elsewhere, like at the one pictured below at the American Legion Post. They just had their annual American Legion Auxiliary Pancake Breakfast, with proceeds going to help our vets and military. 

These guys have gotten down this pancake making thing to a science, using their custom made pancake griddle that rotates and allows them to cook about two dozen pancakes at a time.

Thanks to this group, with members freely giving up their Saturday mornings to make pancakes and fry sausage, so many people benefit through the money raised. That's my friend, Chuck, pictured below, working the grill. He makes a mean pancake! 

The next opportunity to try out some of their pancakes will be on December 8 at T.F. South High School for the Lansing Chamber of Commerce's Breakfast with Santa. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the Lansing Chamber Office at 3404 Lake Street.

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