Happy New Year 2013!

Happy New Year my friends!

2013 is the long-awaited return of the Miss Jolie Ann’s Kitchen Garden blog. It’s hard to believe it’s been two years away from my beloved blog and all of you treasured readers. I hope the New Year finds you healthy and happy!

The past two years have been full of academic study in horticulture and horticultural therapy, a career promotion and transfer at the nursery, nesting into my amazing new home, building new gardens at home and in my neighborhood community garden, and falling in love. I studied commercial floral design and landscape design, two long-term interests of mine. I am truly blessed!

I joined the twenty-first century with the purchase of an iPhone and MacBook. This modern technology is bound to keep this generation X technophobe more connected!

2013 hold so much promise and I enjoy embracing it one day at a time. I look forward to planning our wedding, gardening, cooking, and sharing a joyous life with friends. I believe enjoying simple pleasures is how I build an abundant life. Every day I attempt to consciously acknowledge what brings me joy and create a gratitude list. My motto in 2013 is “limitless expansion.”

I am excited to share a year of gardening and cooking with you. I have an arsenal of ideas I’ve been storing up the past 2 years. This is going to be fun!

Miss Jolie Ann

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