Bread For The Journey

The phone rings....a quiet voice at the other end.
 I can tell, someone needs help.

An email arrives in my inbox.
"Daughter is in induced coma...pray."

A young wife and mother passes away all to early.
The husband says,
"This is not how I would of written the last chapter."

A text arrives....with words that an elderly mother, grandmother,
great grandmother has passed away. 

A friend shares the news that her young daughter has breast cancer.

News is received that another young son needs a heart pacemaker.

The media informs us that the Boston Marathon leaves athletes in despair after a senseless tragedy.
The nations is left mourning and the country is praying.

I attended a funeral recently of an elderly lady who lived with emotional abuse.
She went to her sisters home in the wee hours....
And all they could do was fall on their knees and comfort her with prayer.

How many curve balls can be thrown at us?
Do we sometimes have one ball too many?
Sometimes it's overwhelming...
Sometimes we question God.
"Is this pain my punishment?

Often it is years later that we realize how the struggles of life
taught us something that we could not have otherwise learned.

Ephesians 3:16-20

"And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts,
living within you as you trust him.  May your roots go down deep into 
the soil of god's marvelous love....." TLB

I just finished spending a few days with some life time friends.
One of my most cherished moments was when one of the members,
said that we needed to sit down and pray together.
It was taking the time to feel God's presence right there in our room.

Paul encourages all of us in Ephesians to come together as a family,
and recognize God's source of power and love and to
encourage us to continue staying in close contact with each other

We live in a broken world, but their is nothing more rewarding
than to go out as Christ's church and share his love and mercy with others.

"Prayer is not the means of bringing our will to pass but the
means by which He brings our will into line to gladly receive His will."

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