Life in the fast lane

I know, I know....haven't been here in a while...okay a year maybe. These posts take rushing!

So, I spent the last 6 days in bed. Yep. In bed.

You heard right. I really wanted some attention. Needed some affirmation. Took 6 long days to get it!

Finally....someone heard my moans, my groans. Think "I love Lucy".

Sunday hubby had enough.

Kids had enough.

I had enough.

Off to the ER. In my pajamas. Much to my children's horror!

Hubby dropped me at the door so he could park the car.

Me: do I walk in or wait? I walk. But didn't make it too far.

Through the revolving door and I lean on the wall.

Receptionist looks up lazily from her roost.

"Do you need a wheelchair"?

Uh...ya think?

Not a moment too soon. Thought I was going to faint!

Ears are ringing, taking long deep breaths to keep from fainting. And she's asking my name and birthdate.

Name and birthdate please. Name and birthdate. I can't speak. So winded.

Hubby comes up beside me. Name and birthdate says she again. He looks at me. Name and birthdate honey.


You're kidding right?

He can't remember. He says to her, "I should remember these things."

Ummmm.....yep. That''d be a good idea.

I love my husband. Truly I do. But he's not so good with names and dates (even mine).

Do they make an herb for that?

I squeak it out.

She sees I'm about to pass out.

She doesn't even triage me. Puts a bracelet on me and sends me to the room for the doc.

In the room.

Doc: What brings you here?

Me: Can hardly talk. I think I have Pneumonia.

Doc: Let's check it out. BREATHE. BREATHE IN. BREATHE OUT.

Me: P.A.S.S.I.N.G. O.U.T.

Doc: Yep...pneumonia and cute slippers...they match your jammies. SCORE!

2 hours and a Z pack later and we are back home.

I'm back in bed.

This thing has kicked my tail feathers. Like nobody's business.

BUT...I'm all done with the jammy look.

Yoga pants and rockin' the slippers.

Day 8: 2 days after antibiotics and I'm packing for the South.

Worn out....but oh so happy to be going to sunshine!

About the hubby: he's been redeemed.....I drilled him on my name and birthdate all day today.

Livin' in the fast lane....rockin' chair and all.

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