Lightning Bugs in a Jar
I found the above photo in "wallpapers" and downloaded it on my smartphone... I love looking at it and all the fond memories it brings back of childhood and summer.
Mama and Daddy would sit out on the porch on summer evenings, talking about their day and enjoying a glass of sweet tea before it was time for the chaos of bathing dirty children and getting everyone ready for bed... we, of course, ran around in the yard as long as we possibly could, playing hide-n-seek in the dark and catching lightning bugs.
We'd run past Mama and Daddy into the house... Mama would call out, "What are ya'll doing?"
"Make sure you get a mayonnaise jar! Don't use my good jars!"
We would fish out a jar, find an old mayonnaise lid, grab a knife and punch holes in the top so the bugs could breathe... and off we'd go, stalking the flickering insects til they landed in the cool damp grass and we could catch 'em... fun times!
Looking back on this simple summer fun, I've thought about those children that we were... and what we just automatically knew... about canning jars...
We knew the difference between a mayonnaise jar and Mama's "good" jars... the Mason Jars... we knew those jars were important to "putting up food" for winter...
Mama knew we could be trusted to "find" a jar... use a sharp tool (knife) to poke holes in the lid... she didn't rush in to find our "equipment" for us... my Mama was no "helicopter Mom"... she raised us to do some things ourselves... as I see so many "hovering mothers" these days, ever afraid their little darlings will get hurt and doing so much for them that they don't learn to do for themselves... I am thankful for my Mama and her sensible approach to our upbringing!
Hunting lightning bugs wouldn't have been as much fun if Mama had done all the work for us!
Here's to summer evenings and lightning bugs in jars! And Mamas who let kids be kids! I miss you Mama!
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