Western Omelette / Sandwich

This is my variation of a Western Omelette that makes a great Sandwich. This amount serves 6-8 but it can easily be adapted to feed more or less people as you need. I used left over ham from Easter dinner which made it very tasty. Put your favorite condiment on your toast and you have one hearty and filling sandwich. I like mustard on mine but you can add what ever you like.
  • 1 green pepper, diced
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 2 cups of chopped ham
  • 12 eggs
  • 1/4 cup water
  • bit of oil or butter
  • 2 cups grated cheese, what ever you have on hand, I used cheddar this time
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 12-16 slices of toast
  • favorite condiments
  1. In a large 12" skillet, saute the pepper in a bit of oil or butter until the onion is soft and transparent on medium heat. Adding the ham when the vegetables are cooked.
  2. Beat the eggs together with the water.
  3. Add to the hot pan, moving the edges of the egg mixture to the center so the bottom of the eggs cook. 
  4. Put the lid on your skillet and cook a few minutes until the eggs set.
  5. Add the cheese and put the lid back on and remove the skillet from the heat so the eggs don't burn.
  6. Cut into pieces to fit your toasted bread. 
*Tip - with making this large amount, I found it best to set the top of the egg mixture under a broiler for a few minutes before adding the cheese. Other wise the bottom gets to dark and the top doesn't set properly because of the amount of eggs.

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