How To Grow Vegetables To Save You Money
- What is the #1 home grown crop in America? That's right: Tomatoes. These not only produce extremely well for planting just one crop, but pay off in taste too. You can make many expensive products at home from growing your own tomatoes too, like salsa, tomato/spaghetti sauce, and tomato soup. In my opinion, every home should have a tomato plant or two.
- Squash. Particularly winter squash. They are easy to grow as long as they have sufficient water and room to sprawl. They produce very well, but the thing that puts them over the top is that it is so easy to store the produce for later use! After they ripen, simply wash the outside of them with a little chlorine water to kill any bacteria growing, and put them in a cool room and store for later use. You can easily grow enough winter squash for your family for the winter by just growing one or two plants!
- Lettuce is such a great crop to grow and you can use the leaves so soon after they are planted, that it is a must in my garden. Not only do home grown salads taste so much better, it is so much cheaper than constantly buying the expensive bags and boxes of lettuce. Makes dinner easy too- just run out to the garden and pick some lettuce to make a great salad as a side or main dish for dinner. Love it!
- Root veggies like beets, radishes, and carrots take up very little space and can be grown quickly for a quick harvest. Buying beets in particular can get expensive from the store, so growing your own can be a great place to save money.
- Beans, pole or bush produce very well for the space they take up in the garden and are very easy to grow. They too can get expensive to purchase at the grocery store.
These are just some of the crops that can save you money by growing them in your garden. I hope this has given you some ideas for your garden, and that you will be able to plant a cash crop for yourself next year!
If you have any ideas of great money saving plants, please comment and let us know.
Happy Gardening!!
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