Rocky Road Bars...from our NEW!!! Foodie Contributor Mia!

You guys are in for a SERIOUS treat today -- like SERIOUS serious.  I am literally drooling over here!! 
 Give a warm, warm welcome to our newest contributor here at the Nest - MIA!  
She is a foodie extraordinaire and is ready to help YOU become one too! .....and without further adieu...


Hey everyone! I'm Mia from Meels on Wheels and I'm so excited to be here posting on the Nest.

I thought we'd start with a really simple (but incredibly yummy) recipe which I'm obsessed with making at the moment- rocky road!  From parties to little 'thank yous,' I've found that they're the go-to offering for any occasion, especially if you need something quick and on a budget.

I've tried making the rocky road with milky ways and mars bars before, but I think crunchie is definitely my favourite choice at the moment, however that could be because it's my favourite chocolate bar anyway...


- 100g butter, chopped
- 300g dark chocolate (I always use 2/3 cheap chocolate and 1/3 good quality to bulk it out and it still tastes great), broken up into squares
- 3 tbsp golden syrup
- 14 chocolate digestive biscuits, broken up into smaller pieces
- 14 big marshmallows, quartered
- 6 milky ways/ 4 crunchies/ 4 mars bars, broken up



First things first, find a tray about 20cm by 30cm in size and grease with butter or oil, line it with greaseproof paper and grease on top of that. It doesn't have to look great, just needs to stop all the gooey loveliness from sticking to the tin!


Next we need to gently melt the butter, dark chocolate, and golden syrup in a pan and stir until smooth.
Remove from the heat and cool while you make the next bit.


In a bowl break up the digestives, marshmallows, and chocolate bars and mix them around with your hands.


Add the liquid chocolatey goodness into the sweetie mixture and stir them together. 
Scoop the mix out of the bowl and into the tin. Spread out the mix.


Leave the rocky road in the fridge for 2 hours or more until it is hard and set, then chop into desired sizes.


Hopefully even as a coffee-break treat, they'll be the personal and homemade touch you need.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
Mia :-)


Isn't she just the sweetest??  ...and how DIVINE do those Rocky Road bars look?  
I think I just gained four pounds by LOOKING at them!!!    Can't wait to see what Mia whips up next month!! 

Now show Mia a little love and click the photo below to visit HER BLOG, check her out on  TWITTER or PINTEREST

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