What do you believe?

Have you ever looked up at the stars at night?

We live way out in the country where there is no light pollution. On a clear night you can see billions of stars. I mean billions....

The Milky Way is in full view, the constellations telling their stories across the sky.


It always puts me in awe of our Universe and our Creator.

There was once a man who lived under the stars. His universe consisted of a desert, a wife and no children.

He lived a life of significance within his nation, but what he longed for was a son.

One day the Lord said to him, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward."

This troubled Abram for he said, "What can you give me Lord, for I remain childless. You have given me no children; to a servant in my household will be my heir." Gen. 15:2

Then the word of the Lord came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars---if indeed you can count them." Then He said, "So shall your offspring be."

Abram believed the Lord. Gen 15:4-6

Abram BELIEVED the Lord. Let me say that again....Abram BELIEVED the Lord.

Abram had been waiting on the Lord to give him a son for YEARS! He was 99 before he conceived a child. His circumstances were saying the opposite. He had lived in the "shame" of having no son to carry on his legacy. Everything in the natural told him that this would never happen. That he would remain childless.

Not only did God say he would have a son, but he told him to look up at the stars and count them....and so shall his offspring be.

Now, follow me here. Abram is a man. No different than you and I. Real feelings, real misgivings, real emotions, real doubt, real questions and really without a son. Not only is he told he will have a son in his old age, but he's told he will have offspring as many as the stars.

Would this make you fall over? Would this make you question your sanity?

Everything in his life screamed the opposite. Abram had a choice here. He was either going to tell himself that he was crazy and dismiss the idea or he was going to believe.

He chose to believe.

He isn't believing in himself.

He isn't believing in good fortune.

He is believing in the WORD spoken to him by his Creator. The Creator of the universe. The one who put those stars into place.

How often do we believe our circumstances? How often do we allow our circumstances to dictate what we believe?

I believe Abram had a hope of a preferred future. It all stemmed around having a son that could carry on his name, his legacy.

What do you believe?

Are you allowing your circumstances to dictate your belief? Are you allowing what you can physically see with your eyes dictate what you believe about your future?

Do you have a hope for a preferred future?

Walk out tonight and look at the stars. Get quiet and listen for that still small voice to speak His promise to you.


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