Mama Rosalie's Spaghetti Dinner

For the past 14 years, I have been part of a fabulous club called the Lansing Junior Woman's Club, which is part of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs. It's a local organization that does all kinds of wonderful things for our community. I'm so proud to be part of this group!

One of my favorite projects I've been involved with as a club members is a project I started 5 years ago when I was president. It's our Veteran Appreciation Dinner, which is a night out for veterans and current military members their guests, where they are treated to dinner and dessert and entertainment and a speaker and free raffles. It's a wonderful time and the attendees are always so appreciative. It's become an annual event and the first year we had about 60 guests at the dinner. Last year we had about 220. So, in having such a large event, one of the challenges is raising funds to pay for the dinner - since it is free for all those who attend.

One of our members, Rosalie, is a doll - a sweet Italian lady who decided she'd use her recipes and cooking skills to host a spaghetti dinner to raise funds to help pay for the 5th Annual Veteran Appreciation Dinner. Here's a shot of Mama Rosalie and some more from the event. Scroll down to the last one -- she made homemade cannoli, too, and it was magnificent!!

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