Jacaranda Tree - It's a Beauty

When nature offers a spectacle like this, one must take a moment to treasure it. What a beautiful tree!

This jacaranda makes my heart happy. How lucky I am to walk out my back door to this view.
It is majestic, probably 60 ft high, one of the tallest I've seen, and every May it brings joy to my world.

I have been spending as much time as possible enjoying the jacaranda while it's blooming, having morning coffee on the deck, reading on the patio, and of course puttering in my garden. 

Joy is found in those quite moments when I stop and really focus on the beauty nature shares. Pausing to let the beauty sink in, to let it move me. And this tree moves me. 

There is a street in our area covered in a canopy of purple. These pictures don't do it justice but I had to share the show.

This is one pretty mess. The flowers drop to create a lovely carpet of purple, something lovely to see on the lawn. 
Not so lovely on your car or driveway because they are sticky. My husband said tonight that his favorite jacaranda is one growing in someone else's yard. This one we prefer to enjoy from afar, so thanks to our neighbors for dealing with the mess and letting us enjoy the spectacle from here.

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