The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

A few weeks ago, a new blogging friend nominated me for the "Very Inspiring Blogger Award". Thanks, Elle, for thinking of me! I first "met" Elle during the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. She has a wonderful blog, Erratic Project Junkie, and if you like DIY projects you definitely have to check out her blog. It's great! 

As a part of receiving this very prestigious aware, there are a few rules. And here they are...


  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated. 
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you. 

Seven Facts

  1. I love cheese. As my wise uncle once said, "food is simply a vessel in which cheese is to be carried."
  2. Although I am a stay-at-home mom, this is not my natural gift set. I enjoy the domestic arts and love my children dearly, but I struggle with my "nurturing, motherly" side. I quit my career because the Lord very clearly called me to stay home, so I'm simply obeying His call. Don't get me wrong...I do enjoy it; it's just a really difficult role for me.  
  3. I like dark, rich beers. Give me a stout or a porter over a pale ale or wheat beer.
  4. Although I have been fortunate enough to travel to a number of places in the world, one of my all-time favorite trips was traveling to Northern Michigan with my husband (before kids) and stopping at Sleeping Bear Dunes, Traverse City, Petoskey, Charlevoix, and Mackinac Island. Pure Michigan:)
  5. I don't like banana flavored things. I like bananas, just not things flavored like bananas. 
  6. I don't drink coffee. Yes, I am probably one of 0.0001% of the population that falls into this category, but it's true. I do, however, enjoy hot tea. English breakfast with milk, please!  
  7. My current dream for my family would be to get a small trailer and travel the country for a couple months hitting as many U.S. National Parks as possible. This dream began as a young girl when my family took a cross-country trip to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons. I've never been to Glacier National Park, and I'd love to go. 

Blogs that Inspire Me
(and are nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award)

I admit that this was a struggle to come up with 15 blogs to nominate. I didn't want to haphazardly nominate blogs that I didn't find truly "inspiring". After much deliberation, here are the nominees. I've included blogs of dear friends as well as blogs of total strangers. The topics range from writing to design & fashion to faith. Some of them teach you practical skills while others will give you a laugh. I hope you are just as inspired by these blogs as I am! (Please note these are in no particular order, I simply went down the list of my bookmarked blogs:)

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