My New Obsession, aka My New Camera

One of my goals when I started this blog was to become a better photographer. For years I have been using a small Canon Powershot camera but I've longed for a better camera. I know nothing about cameras so I relied on the salesperson to educate me. My husband understands more about them, so with their help, I chose a Sony a6000. It's a mirrorless camera (which I am embarrassed to admit I had never heard about). It is amazing. Oh boy, do I have lots to learn!

I have never taken a photography class (aperture? exposure compensation? ISO?) so I started watching online tutorials for this specific camera and have already learned so much. I am obsessed with it. I can't get enough. Luckily my garden is in that phase where everything is growing and the upkeep is minimal so I have extra time to play with my new toy.

These are unedited photos I took today. The one of the bee and the borage shows the bees wing without it being a blur! That would never have been possible with my old camera.

Bessie May is my incredible labrador. Her eyes are orange. Her heart is gold.

Being a novice means being forgiven if the composition or exposure are not perfect. The camera is capable of amazing photos, now the photographer must continue to practice, so goodbye for now. I'm off to experiment with ISO.

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