What is a healthy diet?

The Mediterranean diet and lifestyle has been scientifically analysed and has proved to be one of the healthiest with its main benefits providing for a healthier heart and a greatly reduced risk of diabetes but was does it include?

1. Fresh air is something we never consider but generally air quality is better in rural rather than urban settings

2. Regular exercise – in whatever form it takes. I find growing food keeps me fit. People who lead active lives are generally healthier and less likely to develop serious diseases. It is recommended we get 30 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times a week.

3. Water – many of us do not drink sufficient for our bodies needs. Whether it be plain water or teas we need 8-10 glasses per day but we should avoid sugar laden calorific drinks.

4. Fresh herbs – grow as many of your own as you can and many are recognised as being beneficial to health. Use fresh or dry for later use.

5. Fresh vegetables and fruits which includes plenty of legumes – harvested each day whether grown or bought. You do not need multivitamins to get all the minerals, vitamins, fibre and nutrients the body needs. Try to eat 6-12 servings per day.

6. Seeds and nuts – grown or harvested from own trees. Try to get 1 to 3 servings a day.

7. Fresh fish - 2 to 3 servings per week.

8. Some naturally reared meats and poultry but only 2 servings per week.

9. Local sheep and goat cheeses, yoghurt and milk.

10.Sun dried pulses, vegetables, herbs and fruit.

11. Local red wine and grape juice, preferably your own, family or neighbours which has not been over processed.

12. Local honey.

13. Homemade wholegrain organic breads (try making your own sourdough bread its delicious) or buy wholegrain organic bread if available.

14. Olives and olive oil – locally produced or from your own trees. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats.

15. Locally produced free range organic eggs but only 4 per week.

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