Amish Recipe Series... Amish Friendship Starter

While passing through Amish country in the Missouri Ozarks last spring, we visited a tiny Amish community store... as we were leaving the little store, a horse and carriage were parked in the driveway (a lady had come into the store to shop) and Mr. G spotted a baby sleeping in the back of the buggy... I really REALLY wanted to snap a picture of that sweet, sleeping child but Mr. G reminded me to be respectful of the Amish wishes of not being photographed, so I contented myself with soaking all the views in and remembering.

Today's recipe is not a canning recipe again, but a bread starter. Enjoy!

Amish Friendship Starter
found on baconinmypocket.blogspot

Here is the starter recipe. In a GLASS or PLASTIC bowl (this step is VERY important. You don't want to use anything metal when mixing this recipe up which also means mix with a plastic spoon, rubber spatula, or my favorite a silicone whisk) mix: 

1 package active dry yeast 
1 cup milk 
1 cup flour 
1 cup sugar 

Pour into a large plastic zip top baggie and label with the date. Place it on your counter- don't worry it will be ok! You've completed day one! 

Day 1: Do Nothing. 

Day 2: Mush the bag and let the air out 

Day 3: Mush the bag and let the air out 

Day 4: Mush the bag and let the air out 

Day 5: Mush the bag and let the air out

Day 6: Add to the bag 
1 Cup flour, 
1 cup sugar and 
1 cup milk. 
I mix these up in a bowl again (remember NO METAL!) and I have Mr. Bacon help me pour it into the baggie. You don't need a second set of hands, but it does help! Mush the bag and let the air out.

Day 7: Mush the bag and let the air out 

Day 8: Mush the bag and let the air out 

Day 9: Mush the bag and let the air out

Day 10: Mix and divide starter as follows. 
Pour the entire contents of the bag into a non metal bowl. Add 
1-1/2 Cups Flour, 
1-1/2 Cups Sugar, and 
1-1/2 Cups Milk 

and mix well. 

If you'd like to share the starters with friends, measure 1 Cup Batter into 4 gallon size zip lock bags. Keep one for yourself and give the other 3 to friends along with a copy of the recipe. You will end up with 5 batches of bread (4 bags and 1 in the bowl) Since I make the whole batch for myself, I skip this step. Now you are ready to add the rest of the ingredients and bake the bread! One thing I love about this recipe is that there are so many ways you can make it. Today I made Regular (vanilla), Pumpkin spice, Chocolate peanut butter & lemon poppy seed. I can't wait for breakfast tomorrow!

For recipes using Amish Friendship Starter, visit

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