Amish Recipe Series... Amish Mustard Pickled Eggs

When did the Amish begin?
They trace their roots to the Anabaptist movement in Switzerland in 1525 at the time of the Protestant Reformation. The Anabaptists emphasized voluntary adult baptism and a church that was free from state control. Because most had been baptized as infants, they were nicknamed rebaptizers or Anabaptists. The Amish were part of this movement until 1693 when they formed their own group in Switzerland and the Alsatian region of present-day France. Their first leader was Jakob Ammann; hence, they became known as Amish.

Today's recipe... Remember... Disclaimer: The Amish don't always follow updated USDA canning methods, they follow methods passed down from generation to generation. Use this recipe at your own discretion, or adapt it to your own method. I am sharing these recipes EXACTLY as they were sent to me and take no responsibility for them.

Amish Mustard Pickled Eggs

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The mustard can be tasted and there's no doubt it's a pickled egg. They would make an amazing egg salad sandwich or a colorful addition diced on top of potato salad.

2 C white vinegar

2 Tbsp. mild mustard (plain yellow prepared mustard works nicely)

1/2 C water

1 C sugar

1 Tbsp. salt

1 Tbsp. celery seed

1 Tbsp. mustard seed

6 whole cloves

1/8 tsp. turmeric, optional, added to bump up the yellow color naturally

2 onions, sliced thin

12 hard boiled eggs, peeled

1. Add everything except onions and eggs to sauce pan, bring to a boil, mix well, reduce to simmer for 10 minutes.

2. Remove from heat and cool.

3. Layer onions and eggs in jar, cover with pickle brine.

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